Zero Tolerance for PETA
It must be very liberating to have a bevy of bubble-headed beauties competing with each other to give you money. For one thing, you wouldn’t have to make much sense or provide much accountability. If your donors aren’t smart enough to appreciate your inanity, they’ll keep giving you money.
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal certainly must feel that sense of liberation. Hollywood’s vacuous bimbos keep PETA awash with cash that it spends on ridiculous crusades, such as its effort to encourage whale consumption instead of chicken, or their campaign to encourage college students to eschew milk and substitute beer.
And PETA hasn’t gotten any smarter. Just this week, I picked up a copy of the Spokane Spokesman-Review and found an advertisement paid for by PETA that atempts to make the case that high school animal dissection labs give us serial killers. Their advertisement recalls that most schools have “zero tolerance” policies on weapons. It shows a gun and a knife as examples of forbidden weapons. And, it shows a scalpel, because scalpels are used for dissecting preserved frogs in high school biology classes. According to PETA, using a scalpel to probe the anatomy of a formaldehyde-marinated amphibian is the equivalent of turning a gun on a cafeteria full of school kids.
And the advertisement concludes with a reminder that the late serial killer and cannibal, Jeffrey Dahmer, cited his high school biology classes as his inspiration.
Well now, if we are to apply zero tolerance to those things that might ignite a spark that could potentially intensify into a conflagration of violence, then we must start with PETA. PETA provides philosophical guidance, moral and material support to terrorists.
Whatever their faults, I don’t believe that cannibals have ever received one iota of support from the National Association of Biology Teachers.
In the words of PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich, violence in the furtherance of its cause is just fine. “It would be great if all the fast food outlets, slaughter houses, these laboratories and the banks who fund them exploded tomorrow,” he recently declared.
And PETA gets results. PETA has identified Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald’s as enemies. And not long afterwards, bombs exploded.
"I do advocate it [terrorism],” he says, “and I think it's a great way to bring about animal liberation."
And these are not just words. There are terrorists with whom PETA is lovingly affiliated, such as the Animal Liberation Front, or ALF. Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder and president of PETA partially explains the relationship: “… we will always stick up for the ALF, so they call us and we do.”
The FBI calls the ALF, "a true domestic terrorism group."
And PETA puts its money where her mouth is. PETA donated $45,200 to convicted ALF terrorist Rodney Coronado’s legal defense. They also “loaned” Coronado’s father $25,000 dollars, which to my knowledge, has not been repaid.
In 1999, PETA gave $2,000 to David Wilson, a national "ALF spokesperson." In that same year, Wilson declared that: "We started with animal rights, but we've expanded to wildlife actions like the one in Vail (an arson attack). We're the ones bridging the environmental gap."
And sure enough, PETA has contributed to the ALF’s sister organization. According to its own IRS filing, in 2000 PETA openly donated $1500 to the Earth Liberation Front. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) calls ELF “the largest and most active U.S.-based terrorist group.” That group is responsible for many tens of millions of dollars in damage.
So far, the ELF hasn’t killed anyone, but they don’t shrink from the possibility. "While innocent life will never be harmed in any action we undertake, where it is necessary we will no longer hesitate to pick up the gun to implement justice," declared an ELF spokesman after one attack. I infer from this line that those found guilty by the ELF certainly could die. Who else is that gun for?
As PETA points out, serial killers start small, often killing animals, before graduating to the bigger thrills of killing people. Certainly PETA-encouraged terrorists have increased their level of violence and threats lately. Who can doubt that they will soon need fatalities to satisfy their growing appetites?
So, if zero tolerance is to be applied to high schools, PETA is an ideal candidate for intolerance.